Company Christmas Cards & Gifts
The Challenge
When you are a B2B business, it is important to keep up a steady stream of communication with your customers. One great way to do that is to send them business Christmas cards. It gives you a great reason to touch base and do some business relationship maintenance. Here are some examples of company Christmas Cards and Gifts that I have designed for companies and organisations.
Snowing on University of Huddesfield

Snowing on Manchester Alliance Business School

A kind review...
Manchester Mbs
'Fast turnaround, friendly communications and most importantly great design with flair.'
Stop motion style Christmas Cracker animation for Manchester Alliance Business School
Greetings card design for a Digital Business Coach

Greetings card design for a Chartered Accountancy involving over 100 employees

Christmas Animated Eshot Ideas for Univar

The Didsbury Wallplanner
A gift to independant business' in Didsbury, Manchester, UK. Featuring the artwork of local artists.

A kind letter...
Christine Lawley
Independent Arts and Crafts Professional, Mirabel Studios
'I’m writing to tell you of all the compliments I’ve had on your behalf, for your ace design skills and visual flair! Everyone I’ve shown the wall planner to, is totally impressed and think its a masterpiece. How fortunate the people of Didsbury are to know they can feel 100% confident that any graphic design, poster art, etc they commission you to do will be of the highest professional standard. I love everything about the wall planner, and my husband, who has worked in the the printing trade and newspaper industry, conveys his congratulations also for a job well done.'