Changing minds about we talk about the 10 million people in the UK that suffer from mental illness
The Challenge
Changing Minds was a charity that helped change minds toward people with Mental illness.
In the Media the use of words such as 'nutter', 'loony' and 'psycho' fuels our negative perception of people who are menatally ill. Our negative attitude hampers the work of charities in this are and discourages sufferes from seeking help. Our predudice adds to their sufferenng and isolation and as a result, they lose families and friends and worst of all they lose hope.

The Solution
Public awareness leaflet design
I designed and illustrated this public awaremenss information leaflet. This design shows that mental illness illness can happen to anyone like our family members, friends and co-workers who are just regular people who are not at all scary and dangerous. The warm and friendly portraits show how people with a mental illness are just regular people which contrasts with the raw illustration comunicating the frustrated feelings people with mental illnesses suffer when they are judged in the wrong way.