An Arts Council infographic to help organistions fundraise with millennial donors.
The Challenge
Arts Council England is a government-funded body dedicated to promoting the performing, visual and literary arts in England. Since 1994, Arts Council England has been responsible for distributing lottery funding. This investment has helped to transform the building stock of arts organisations and to create much additional high-quality arts activity.
While working as part Epigram Communication's Arts and Culture design team I was asked to design an infographic for the Arts Council to help organistions fundraise with millennial donors. I was given information set by The Arts Council to turn into a relevant, memorable and attention grabbing infographic to help fundraising organistions maximise their results with millennial donors.

The Solution
I created a mix of icons and illustrations to improve visual interest and grab the user's attention. I was keen to make the infographic relavant to the lives of millennial donors by including icons that are used in their lives such as the mobile phone and laptop. The hand and heart illustrations were included to communicate a human look and feel. I also followed Arts Council brand guidlines by using a selection of their brand identity colours and fonts. The simplicity of the icons, the uncluttered spacing and limited colour pallete gave the infographic an elegant and sophisticated aesthetic.
This infographic worked as a powerful tool that allowed fundraising organisations to easily digest the information through the use of contempory icons and illustrations. With the proper use of color, proportion, and negative space, the information given to me, set by the Arts Council was transformed into memorable, attention-grabbing and even persuasive graphics.