Informing 'Young Carers' of their rights
The Challenge
Gaddum is a charity leader in providing health and wellbeing services in Greater Manchester.
Gaddum have been working closely with Manchester City Council, Our Manchester, Be Bothered campaign and a number of local organisations to create Young Carers Know Your Rights.
While working as part of the Arts and Culture team at Epigram Communications I was asked to design the following resource for Gaddum. Gaddum needed a 'Young Carers' Rights Resource to be designed that would inform 'Young Carers' of their rights. The resource needed to help 'Young Carers' understand their rights and the rights of those that they care for because 'Young Carers' have the right to access facilities that will make life easier for both them and those you they are caring for. The resource needs to show them how to 'Ask about their rights.'

The Solution
Even though this is a very important resource that contains serious information I felt that it needed to be easy to read and friendly so that young carers would feel comfortable reading the resource and not feel intimidated by the over all look and feel. The design needed to be engaging to young people so I designed the booklet to be bright, colourful and interesting while following Gaddum's brand guidelines and by complimenting the character illustrations supplied by Gaddum.

I designed a bright, colourful, easy to read booklet which helps young carers to understand their rights and the rights of those that they care for.